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Real people, real results.

“Diana gave me clarity and confidence that allows me to take the next steps to live the kind of life I want.”

“I have started to set boundaries to enjoy the things and the people I value, I have lost weight, started going to the gym regularly, and improved my sleeping habits!”

“I have better relationships, I’ve lost 25 lbs without trying(!), I’ve made new friends, and I quit a toxic job and found a company that pays me more to spend less time at work.“
“My house is cleam and orderly. I am calm in the most stressful moments. I have a better relationships with money. I have more confidence”
“I’m feeling great physically and mentally. .”
“She helped me put an end to self-sabotage and finally realize my dream of becoming a published children’s book author.”

The Empowered Women's Academy 

  • Total payment
  • 1xThe Empowered Women's Academy (Special)$0

All prices in USD


Monthly Access To:

  • The Empowered Women Formula Everything you need to double your emotional resilience, improve your relationships and step into your empowered identity: trainings, video lessons, meditations, guest experts and more 
  • 1X Weekly Group Coaching Calls
  • Monthly Guest Expert Training 
  • Private Clients Only Facebook Community
  • Special Pricing For Annual Empowerment Retreat

The Empowered Women's Academy (Special)$0
